You can add a new group to the organization directly from the Organization Management screen or the Group screen.
Either option will display the Add a Group screen. You can choose a group category, enter the group name, and add people to the group.
Add a Group from Organization Management.
From the Organization Management Screen:
Step 1. Click the New Group option.
New Group option from the Organization Management Screen.
From the People Screen:
Step 1. Click the New Group option.
New Group option from the Group Screen.
Step 2. From the Group Category select the category the group will be added to.
Step 3. Enter the Group Name.
If you aren’t adding any people to the group, skip to Step 6:
Step 4. Click the Add People to the Group option to display the Add Users panel.
Step 5. Select all users you want to add to the group, and click the Add option.
Step 6. Click the Save option to complete the process and create a new group with added users.