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Group Settings

A quick overview of the Group Setting screen. People section, notifications, media entries, and permissions.

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over 4 years ago




Group Settings allow you to configure setting options for the group, such as: changing the name or group category, decide who has access to the group, what permissions they are granted, the ability to leave or delete the group, create group codes to invite others, set your notifications, and view media entries, such as photos, videos, links, files, and meeting.

You can access the Settings panel using the Settings option located in the upper-right corner of the group or direct message panel.

Group Settings.


Group Settings Screen


The Group Setting screen; on the web app will be divided into horizontal tabs running across the top of the screen, and on mobile will be divided into vertical panel options.

Group Settings screen.

  • 2. Group Codes section - will allow you to generate a code that can be used by others to join this specific group. See the Generating and Expiring Group Codes topic for more information:

  • 3. Notifications section - will display all photos, videos, links, files, and meetings. See the Notifications Section topic for more information.

  • 4. Media Entries section – will display all photos, videos, links, files, and meetings. See the Media Entries Section topic for more information.

  • 5. Group Name & Nickname – will allow you to change the actual name for the group and set a nickname that only you will see. On the web app, you can enter the fields and click the Save option. On a mobile device, you will need to tap the section to display the Group Name and Nickname fields.

  • 6. Group Category & Nickname – will allow you to select, from the drop-down list, which group this chat will be displayed under and set a nickname that only you will see. On the web app, you can enter the fields and click the Save option. On a mobile device, you will need to tap the section to display the Category Name and Nickname fields.

  • 7. Permissions panel – will allow you to set which actions users in the group are capable of performing. See the Permissions Panel topic for more information.

  • 8. Hide Group – will hide the group from the Drawer panel. This isn’t permanent and the group will immediately reappear as soon as you or someone else enters a chat message in the group.

  • 9. Leave Group – will allow you to set which actions users in the group are capable of performing. On the web app, you can click the Expand option to display the permission fields. On a mobile device, you will need to tap the section to display the permission fields. See the Leaving a Group topic for more information.

  • 10. Delete Group - will permanently remove the group, all of the content, and remove the users in the group. See the Deleting a Group topic for more information.


People Section


The People section will allow you to add or remove people to the current group. By default, it will display everyone who is part of the group and their role. You can also use the search or filter option to find a person. 

People section.

  • 1. Search field – is an automatic text filter for the person list. The instant you begin typing the person list will begin filtering. The Search field will search thru both first name and last name. 

  • 2. Filter – drop-down list allows you to filter the list based on role.

Filter from the People section.

          Everyone – is the default, and will display everyone in the current group.
          Owners – will display only the owners in the group. 

  • 4. Person List – displays the first and last name and the Role of the person that has been added to the current group. When clicked or tapped, it can also be used to display the Person’s Info panel which will allow you to directly message the person, block them, set their role, or remove them from the group.

Person Info panel.

Notifications Section


The Notifications section allows you to choose to Mute all notifications from this group until you return and unmute it. The message badge count will still display unread messages, but there will no longer be any notifications or alerts for them.

If you don’t want to mute the group completely, you can choose to Snooze all notifications for a limited time such as an hour or a full day.

You can also choose to indefinitely suppress specific options such as disabling user messages, system messages, or reactions.

Notifications section.

  • 1. Snooze – will stop all notifications or alerts from being displayed on the web app or on a mobile device until the specific selected timeframe is reached such as an hour or a full day.

  • 2. Snooze Options – will allow you to choose which notifications or alerts are suppressed when you set the Snooze timeframe:
         Human Messages – will suppress message alerts from the persons in the
               current group.
         System Messages – will suppress all system alerts for the current group.
         Reaction Messages – will suppress reactions to messages from persons in
               the current group.

  • 3. Mute – will stop all notifications or alerts from being displayed on the web app or on a mobile device until you return and unmute it. The message badge count will still display unread messages, but there will no longer be any notifications or alerts for them.

  • 4. Roll Up (Mobile Only) – Prevents notification overload. When you have 10 or more unread notifications, all alerts, sound, and vibration will be suppressed and a single summary notification will be displayed. 

Media Entries Section


The Media Entries section is designed to display all photos, videos, links, files, and meetings. This is a quick display of these items allowing you to find a specific media entry without having to scroll thru pages and pages of messages.

On the web app it will be a tab located on the Group Setting main screen. On a mobile device, the media entries are located at the bottom of the screen and has tabs for each of the media categories.

Media Entries section.

  • 1. Photos and Videos – will display all images, videos, gifs, etc. Each item will display who created it, and when it was created.

  • 2. Links – will display any links to external items. Each item will display the link, description, who created it, and when it was created.

Links media category.

  • 3. Files – will display any links to added files such as a PDF, WAV, document, spreadsheet, etc. Each item will display the files, who created it, and when it was created.

Files media category.

  • 4. Meetings – will display each meeting session that was initiated from this group. It will list how long the session lasted, who was a part of it, who started it, when it was started, and if the session was recorded - the ability to replay the stored video.

Meetings media category.


Permissions Panel


The Permissions panel will allow you to set which actions users in the group are capable of performing. For example, you may not want users to have the ability to leave a group. You could change that option to only allow the owners of the group to leave.

Only group owners will see the Permissions panel, regular members of the group won't see or have access to these settings.

In the web app you will need to first click the Expand option to display the available permissions. On a mobile device, it will be a panel option on the vertical list.

Permissions Panel.

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