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Accessing Pronto within Canvas

How do I access Pronto inside of Canvas?

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over a week ago

You can access Pronto Chat from the Canvas Navigation menu located on the left-hand side. The Pronto icon will only appear on your Canvas Navigation menu if you are assigned to at least one published Canvas course with at least one enrolled student.

Upon clicking the Pronto icon, from the Canvas Navigation menu, a pop-up window will appear in the lower right-hand corner.

The size and location of this window are designed to allow you to access most of Pronto’s features while not taking up too much of the real estate on the screen.

Pronto Chat pop-up window.

The Pronto Chat icon badge will sometimes display with a number located inside representing how many unread messages are awaiting me in Pronto.

Unread message in Pronto Chat.

In the Pronto Chat pop-up window, in the Drawer panel, you can also see the breakdown of the unread message and which groups they are specifically from. The regular-colored bubbles represent new unread messages, whereas the red-colored bubbles represent messages that have mentioned you directly using an @mention. This is useful if you want to prioritize which messages you view first.

Unread messages in Drawer panel.

If you have any questions, please email and we'll help you out!

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