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Instant Translation

How do I send and receive messages in a different language? How do I set my Language and Translation settings?

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over a week ago

Instant translations just work! Any message you send will instantly be translated into everyone else's language on a person-by-person basis.

Instant translation often leads to a massive increase in engagement and communication from members of the group who would normally feel anxious talking to others in their non-native language.

Messages that come over in different languages will have a grey globe icon next to them showing that they can be translated.

Messages in another language.

In the web app, clicking on the globe will instantly translate the message into your language.

Web app translation.

On a mobile device, you will first need to tap the message, and then tap the Translate from… option to instantly translate the message into your language.

Mobile device translation.

When a message has been translated, it will have a blue globe icon next to it.

Repeating the process will switch the translation back to the original language.

Language and Translation Settings

The first time that a message in a foreign language is sent you, a message will be displayed asking if you want it translated and if you want to enable instant translation in the future.

You can also enable instant translation from the Language and Translation panel located in the Profile Information Settings:

Language and Translation panel.

  • Preferred Language - this will determine which language the Instant Translation will translate to.

  • Other Language you Understand – you can add one or multiple languages that you want to exclude from the Instant Translation.

  • Instant Translation – will automatically translate any language, not on the exclude list, into your preferred language.

Enable Instant Translations:

  • Step 1. Click or tap your Profile Information settings.

Profile Information settings.

  • Step 2. Switch to the Language and Translation panel.

Language and Translation option.

  • Step 3. Click or Tap the Instant Translation option.

Instant Translation option.

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