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Working with Announcements

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over a week ago


Announcements are global notifications that alert all users within the organization or can be limited to a specific group or several groups. They appear at the top of the screen above the user’s profile until the user clears them. Afterward, they will always be available in the Announcements area.

Announcements can be setup to immediately notify users or can be scheduled to appear at a later date and time.

Announcement notification.

Overview Video


Announcements Panel


The (1) Announcements panel can be found at the top of the Drawer panel. From there you can see the (2) Announcement Heading list displaying all the announcements that you are a part of. By selecting an announcement item, the entire contents will be displayed in the (3) Announcement Viewer pane if the item is longer then the heading allows or includes media items. You can create an announcement by clicking on the (4) New Announcement option.

Announcements Panel.

  • 1. Announcements panel – will display all the announcement you are part of, allows you to view existing announcements, or create a new announcement.

  • 2. Announcement Heading list – will display a shortened heading list of all the announcements.

  • 3. Announcement Viewer pane – by selecting an announcement from the Heading list the Viewer pane will display the full announcement including attachments or media items.

  • 4. New Announcement – will allow you to create a new announcement.

Viewing a Notification


When an Announcement is generated it will appear as an alert, then as a notification above the user’s profile, and when cleared will appear in the Announcement area on the drawer.

Announcement alert and notification.

Creating an Announcement


Announcements can be generated to alert everyone in the entire organization or can be limited to a group or several groups.

Announcement Scope screen.

Once you have chosen the announcement type, and clicked Continue or tapped Next, you will have the following options:

Options for Group Announcements.

Options for Organization Announcements.

  • 1. Announcement Scope – you can click or tap the Change option to return to the Announcement Scope screen if you wish to switch the option.

  • 2. Select Groups - (Group Announcements Only) – will allow you to choose one or multiple groups that will be notified by the announcement. You can use the search option at the top to filter the Group list. Select any group checkbox to add it to the group list. The Select All option will automatically add all the groups in that category.

Select Groups option.

  • 3. Schedule Delivery – you can choose to have the announcement be generated and sent immediately, or you can schedule it for a specific date and time.

Schedule Delivery option.

  • 4. Add Attachments – will allow you to add media items to the attachment such as photos, video, images, etc.

    o On the web app, the file browser window will be displayed allowing you to choose any file or media item from your computer.

    o On the mobile app, the Add Media options will be displayed, allowing you to take photos or videos from your mobile device, add items from your photo library, choose files stored or connect on your device, or scan a document using the device's camera.

Add Media option.

  • 5. Send Now – will complete the process and either deliver the announcement immediately or will hold it until the scheduled delivery date and time is reached.

How to Create an Announcement for Immediate Delivery


Announcement for Immediate Delivery.

  • Step 1. Click or tap the Announcement option at the top right of the drawer.

  • Step 2. Click or tap the Add Announcement option located in the bottom right.

  • Step 3. Select the Organization Type, and click Continue, or tap Next.

  • Step 4. If necessary, choose the Group or Groups that the announcement will be delivered too.

  • Step 5. Make sure the Will be sent option is set to Immediately.

  • Step 6. Enter the Announcement text.

  • Step 7. Click or tap the Send Now option to immediately send out the notification.

How to Create a Scheduled Announcement


Scheduling an Announcement.

  • Step 1. Click or tap the Announcement option at the top right of the drawer.

  • Step 2. Click or tap the Add Announcement option located in the bottom right.

  • Step 3. Select the Organization Type, and click Continue, or tap Next.

  • Step 4. If necessary, choose the Group or Groups that the announcement will be delivered too.

  • Step 3. Click or tap the Immediately option.

  • Step 4. Set the Date and Time that the announcement will be delivered.

  • Step 5. Click or tap the Set Time option.

  • Step 6. Enter the Announcement text.

  • Step 7. Click or tap the Send Now option to immediately send out the notification.

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