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Organization Management

How do manage people within my organization, set their permissions, and run reports?

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over a week ago


The Organization Management screen can help you manage the people within your organization, the groups that are available, who is assigned to those groups, and their roles. You can even generate reports to display statistical information based on those groups and people.

You can access the Organization Management settings using the Manage Organization option located in the User Profile panel.

Organization Management Screen.

Organization Management

The Organization Management screen has the following options:

Organization Management screen.

  • 1. Organization Logo – allows you to upload a custom logo file for your organization. (see the Setting the Organization Profile Image (Web App Only) article for more information.)

  • 2. People Screen – allows you to add, remove, and manage the people in your organization and which groups they are assigned to. (see the People topic for more information.)

  • 3. Add a Person option - allows you to quickly add a new person to the organization. (see the Add a User to the Organization article for more information.)

  • 4. Groups Screen – allows you to add, remove, and manage the groups in your organization and which people are assigned to them. (see the Groups topic for more information.)

  • 5. New Group option – allows you to quickly create a new group within the organization and assign people to it. (see the Adding a Group to the Organization article for more information.)

  • 6. Reports Screen – allows you to generate and download a .CSV file with statistical information about the organization. (see the Reports topic for more information.)

  • 7. Roles and Permissions Screen – allows you to customize the permissions for the organization roles. (see the Roles and Permissions topic for more information.)


The People screen will display the people in your organization, their email, phone number, and role. You can add or remove a person; view or edit their Profile information, and assign them to groups.

People screen.

  • 1. Add a Person – will allow you to add a new person to the organization. See the Add a Person to the Organization topic for more information.

  • 2. Search field - is an automatic text filter for the person list. The instant you begin typing the person list will begin filtering. The Search field will search thru both first name and last name.

  • 3. Filter by Role – will allow you to filter the Person list based on a specifically selected role.

  • 4. Person List – displays the first and last name, email, phone number, when the person was last active, and their Role. When clicked or tapped, it can also be used to display the Person Detail screen which will allow you to view, remove, or edit their profile information, and assign them to groups.

Person Detail

The Person Detail screen will display the profile information for the specific person. It will allow you to edit their information, remove them from the group, give them the role of Admin, or assign them to groups.

Person Detail screen.

  • 1. Profile Image – allows you to edit the person's profile image.

  • 2. Profile Information fields – allows you to edit the person’s First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and email address.

  • 3. Organization Role – allows you to assign a role to the person. The drop-down list will display each role and a breakdown of its permissions.

Organization Role drop-down list.

  • 4. Welcome Message – this will send out a welcome message to the person as an email or text message or both depending on what information is in the person’s profile.

Welcome Message.

  • 5. Add to More Groups – will display the Groups Panel, allowing you to assign the person to a group.

  • 6. Groups List – will display the category and group name that the user has been assigned. Hovering over an item with display the Remove from Group option.

  • 7. Remove from Group – will remove the person from the group. Hovering over a group item with display the Remove from Group option. Even though the person is removed from the group the content they posted will still stay accessible by anyone still in the group.

  • 8. Delete User – will permanently remove the person from the organization. Even though the person is removed from the organization the content they posted in all groups will still stay accessible.


The Groups screen will display all the groups in the organization. You can add a new group, filter the list of groups, or view the Group Details screen.

Groups Screen.

  • 1. New Group – allows you to add a group to the organization. See the Add a New Group to the Organization topic for more information.

  • 2. Search field – is an automatic text filter for the Group list. The instant you begin typing the Group list will begin filtering. It will look for any combination of text anywhere within the group name.

  • 3. Groups list – will display a list of all the groups in the organization. Clicking on an item will display the Group Details screen. See the Group Details Screen topic for more information.

Group Details

Clicking on a Group Name item will display the Edit Group screen. You can change the category, edit the Group Name, assign or remove people from the group, or permanently delete the group.

Group Details screen.

  • 1. Update – allows you to save the changes you have made to the group.

  • 2. Group Category – allows you to choose from the existing list of group categories. It will not allow you to create a category here, you will need to have already created one.

  • 3. Group Name – allow you to edit the name of the group.

  • 4 Add More People to Group – will display the Add Users panel allowing you to assign persons to the group.

  • 5. Person list – will display the persons name, their role, and will allow you to remove them from the group. The Remove from Group option will appear when you hover over a group item.

  • 6. Remove from Group – will remove the user from the group but will leave all of that users content in the group.

  • 7. Delete Group – will permanently remove the group, all the content in the group, and all the users assigned to the group.


The reports screen will allow you to generate and download a statistical CSV file based on the usage in your organization including the number of messages sent, groups created, etc.

Old reports will be listed with the date it was generated, who generated it, and the ability to download or delete the report.

New reports can be generated and depending on your organization size your report may take a few minutes to generate.

Reports screen.

Example of a CSV report.

  • 1. Generate Report – will allow you to generate a CSV report using data from the exact date and time based on the usage in your organization including number of messages sent, groups created, etc.

  • 2. Report History list – will display the exact date and time the report was created, who it was created by, and the ability to download to delete the report.

  • 3. Download Report – will download the report as a CSV file allowing you to open and view the statistical information.

  • 4. Delete Report – will permanently remove the report.

Generating a Report

You can generate a report by clicking the Generate Report option. Depending on your organization size your report may take a few minutes to generate. Once it’s been generated it will be added to the Report History list where it can be downloaded and viewed.

View an Existing Report

Generated reports will appear on the Report History list as a CSV file that can be downloaded an viewed. With an editor, such as Microsoft Excel, you can display, format, and arrange the statistical information as needed.

Roles and Permissions

The Roles and Permissions screen will display the organization’s roles and a breakdown of the permissions assigned to each role. Roles are hierarchical so a Manager has all the permissions a User has, and an Admin has all the permissions of both Manager and User.

Each role has a set of permissions associated with it. You have the flexibility to decide what each of those roles mean within your organization. For example, the "Create new groups" permission, which allows a user to create a new group, can be limited to just Admins and Managers. An Admin will always have full access to Organization Management to manage all users, settings, and integrations. It is recommended that you limit the number of persons with the Admin role.

Roles and Permissions screen.

System Permissions

System Permissions are being controlled by the system and cannot be changed directly. This usually happens if your organization is syncing with an external system such as Canvas, Blackboard, Okta, etc. In that case, some of these permissions may not be editable in order to ensure that your Pronto organization properly stays in sync with that system.

System Permissions.

Permissions List Definitions

Depending on which features are enabled in your organization the permissions list could display differently than the example shown above. If you are missing any permissions from the list below please talk to your organization’s administrator.

Create New Groups

Will toggle the “Create New Group” option throughout Pronto, which allows the user to create additional groups. This option will not affect direct messaging which is controlled using the "Start direct messages" permission.

Create New Groups permission.

Search for any Person in the Organization

Will control the available options in the Person Search fields throughout Pronto.

If enabled, the user can select any of the options, including the "Entire Organization" which will allow the field to search for anyone in the entire organization.

Search for any person in the organization permission enabled.

If disabled, the user will be limited to Connections only, which will only search people in the existing groups with the person.

Search for any person in the organization permission disabled.

Send Organization-Wide and Group-Level Announcements

Both of these permissions control the Announcement Types that the user will be allowed to use.

The “Send organization-wide announcements” permission will allow the user the ability to only send an announcement to the entire organization.

If only this permission is enabled, the New Announcement panel will automatically be defaulted to Organization Announcement only.

Only organization-wide announcement permission enabled.

The “Send Group-Level announcements” permission will only allow the user to send an announcement to one or multiple groups.

Only Group announcement permission enabled.

If both permissions are enabled the user will be presented with an additional panel allowing them to select the announcement type as well as the ability to switch at any time during the creation process.

Both announcement permissions enabled.

Start Direct Messages

Controls whether the user can initiate a direct message with another user. If a person does not have this permission the primary "Direct Message" option will be removed from the Pronto interface.

Start direct messages permission.

Users may still see some "Message" options in the app when viewing a person preview card, but when they tap them, they will get a permissions error.

Please note that this permission controls only who can start a direct message conversation. For example, if this permission is set to Manager then a manager may begin the initial direct message conversation with a User, but after it has started, then the user may send messages back to the manager from that point on.

If you change this value, existing direct message conversations will not be affected.

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