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Controlling Notifications

How do I set notification settings for all group messages?

Written by Jason Pearson
Updated over 2 years ago

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Controlling Notifications

Pronto uses notifications to alert you when there is an activity in all your groups and direct message conversations. To ensure you don’t miss anything, the default setting is to notify you for every new message. But after you’ve become familiar with Pronto you may want to limit overall notifications or just those from particular groups. Pronto gives you the power to customize your experience to get all the notifications you want, and none of the ones you don’t.

You can control notification at a global level and at an individual-specific group level using Group Overrides. See the Group Overrides article for more information. Global Notifications allow you to control all groups as one. This eliminates a lot of time when you just want to set specific settings and control everything simultaneously.

Set Your Defaults

First, click or tap on the gear icon next to your name in the sidebar to access your user settings screen. Then tap or click the “Notifications” option.

Note: If you are signed in to multiple accounts, you will need to select and configure each account separately.

On this screen, you can decide what your default setting will be for all groups and direct message conversations. Don’t worry though, you can override this for specific groups later.

Notifications panel.

  • 1. Notify me For – allows you to choose when you are notified when a message is sent across all chat group:
    All Messages – is the default, and will notify you whenever someone posts
    a new message.
    Only Mentions – will notify you only when you are @mentioned (aka
    “tagged”) in a message. Note: This setting does not apply to direct
    message conversations.
    Nothing – will disable all message notifications across all groups.
    Message Reactions will not be affected by this option.

  • 2. Message Reactions – will send a notification whenever someone reacts to one of your messages. This is not affected if the Notify me For option is set to Nothing.

  • 3. Play Navigation Sounds in Web Browser (web app only) – this will mute the notification bell on the web app.

  • 4. Group Overrides – allow you to set these same options for specific groups instead of all groups simultaneously. See the Group Overrides article for more information.

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